Monday, January 30, 2012

On today needing a smile...

There is always a reason to smile... that is what the internet was invented for!!!

The penguin can really move to the song!

and to top it off with a cherry:

Saturday, January 28, 2012

On confusion... and Barbie heads

Let me start off by saying that I am not as psycho as I sound... most of the times. This is why, when I saw these pictures of Barbie Jewellery, I got a little worried. Is it weird that I find them fascinating?? I mean, they did not seem odd and did not even remind me of Dexter's Ice truck killer or anything. I sincerely liked them. I think wearing Barbie's mouth around my wrist is a great tribute to a well-spent and half-forgotten childhood.

Plus, maybe this is a good time to share the following: when I was a kid, I used to dismember my Barbie heads after it broke and keep them around. Till this day, I do not know why... Too much info, right?

You be the judge:

All pictures from here.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

on dates

There are certain dates that everyone remembers, and they remember exactly what they were doing on that certain day. Take September 11, 2001. Most of us know exactly what we were doing when the first plane hit that first tower. Me? I was flying back from Lebanon, solo. My sister was picking me up from the airport and then we went to her friends place. That was where we first found out about the crash. Another date: March 19, 2003, the USA's invasion of Iraq. I was up all night following CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and Al Arabiya. I did not sleep one wink that night while I watched on as the USA started bombing Iraq. First thing in the morning, my friend calls me and says "Iraq has fallen." for it had fallen indeed. I stayed in all day that day, I did not attend any of my classes because, history was being made and I was watching. December 30, 2006: Saddam Hussein's execution: I was feeling down about not spending Eid with my family, so I stayed in. Again, it was me and the internet, searching, watching, reading and listening.February 2011: Husni Mubarak states that he will not abdicate; I was at a wedding following on Twitter. We promptly left so we can go watch the news. February 11, 2011: Husni Mubarak is ousted and he resigned. I was in my room when my parents called me to watch with them. October 20, 2011; Gaddafi dies. I was sitting at home, with the parents, following the news.

All those dates are important, and all those dates have made history. However, there is one date that will forever haunt me. One date that I will remember for the rest of my life. One specific day, that no matter how long ago it was, I would always remember exactly how I felt, exactly who was there, exactly what went on, exactly what I was wearing; and exactly how my heart broke. That date is January 27, 2007. It is the day I had to leave Montreal and come back here to live, and call this place home. My heart shattered into a million pieces, I cried rivers and oceans, and felt so miserable throughout the whole flight back that even the people around me were feeling very sorry for me toward the end. That day is coming soon, in 2 day's time. I call it my black out day.

Monty peeps, Je me souviens...

I miss you!!!! Thank you for a wonderful 5 years, I literally would not have been able to make it through with out you. Now, 5 years on, I still can not make it without you; so thank you skype, BBM, Whatsapp, Gmail, and Gtalk for simplifying things and making it possible to still be in touch with my Monty peeps.

Dan the Downer

I guess, sometimes, more often than not, and without realizing it, we all resemble Dan the Downer in one way or another.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Salt Art

Now that is what I call talent. Kudos to you, Bashir Sultani, you are awesome!

Check these out, although, I have to admit, the ending breaks one's heart:

The Joker:

Albert Einstein:

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

On the most romantic thing I've read in a while

You have to read the full post here

This is taken from it:
" ‘Cause what I mean is I want to touch you, not Poke you; I want to like you, not Like you; I want to love you, not Heart you. I want to live in a place void of scare quotes, of capitalized letters that inject semantics, a place void of tonal ambiguity. I want to live in a place where the space between your back exists, where it’s wire-less and not wireless, a place where I can like you in lowercase. Let me like you."
 This is really what life has become. How many relationships do you have that are mostly on line? I communicate with my sis, her kids, B and C on line as there are oceans, mountains and vast lands between us, not to mention the horrible 9 hour time difference. I live in cyber space. I sleep, eat and drink there. It is where I am most myself, and if I ever am in a relationship, I know I will be more comfortable communicating using 0s and 1s with him rather than talking face to face. As long as I have a vehicle to connect with (Phone or laptop) and a cup of coffee/tea next to me, I am happy and content. The world comes to me, rather than me going to it. It is so convenient, so simple, so EASY to lose yourself in cyberspace. All the roads may lead to Rome -in this case Rome is whatever spot I am sitting in-, but it only takes one to lead out of it and into the glorious world wide web.

We should all remember to sign out, log off ,shut down and go out to have some human experience. We, as humans, are losing that and we need to get it back.

Monday, January 16, 2012


 From random e-mails:

Friday, January 13, 2012

On a Schizophrenic conversation

... taking place in my head right now:

1) Yes.
2) No.
1) Why?
2) Because...
1) Because what?
2) I dunno...
1) Me neither.
2) So...
1) So, we cool?
2) Yes, we cool.
1) Cool.

And just like that, the argument was resolved. Thank God it was only the two voices today...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thoughts: On Life

I have been getting some random, yet awesome, and very inspiring quotes and thoughts via e-mail, twitter, BBM, Whatsapp etc and have decided to start sharing them here. I apologize beforehand as I can not attribute every single one properly.

Some of them are funny, some make you stop and think, while some others state what we refuse to admit ourselves. Most of them we already know, but every once in a while, we need to be reminded of them.

Mother Theresa 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Snickers... don't stop

I love, love LOVE these commercials for snickers.

Please find this

Today I had two philosophical conversations with two different people about human nature. With the first, I discussed how sad the world has become, how it has become easier to rely on friends rather than family; how blood is no longer a prerequisite for being loved unconditionally and cared for. Nowadays, it is the family you make for yourself, that what we refer to as friends, that loves and cares for you, no judgements. Relatives are the ones judging now, when they should be the first people to accept and embrace.

The second discussion was about how us, as humans, are constantly looking for, and are in need for closure. We can't just let things slide, no matter how hard we pretend otherwise. We say "I don't care" when in reality, we care way more than we care to admit. It only takes a few seconds to admit that we did someone wrong, or for them to admit that they hurt us, and yet, we rarely ever follow through. We all need and strive to be accepted, be heard and be noticed. We need to feel as though we matter, and part of that is closure. We need to know that the person who hurt us knows what they did, and that they are sorry for that.

We, as humans, are such a greedy bunch. We want it all, but are never thankful for what we have. We live in the past or the future, not in the present. We expect things to happen, but we rarely ever actively seek them. We are lazy and very conceited. We forget that for things to change, we need to change first. We need to make the first move, we need to decide, act and speak up. Only then will we see things change. Maybe not at first, but eventually, the change will be felt.

I will leave you with this video on youtube. It touched me with the simplicity of its message. Please listen to it and think about what it says.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Blog writing Blackberry

From here

Dec 2011 in pictures

Dancing fountain at the Dubai Mall

Ferrari World Abu Dhabi

Fastest roller coaster in the WORLD

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque

Cappuccino with gold flakes at the Emirates Palace

Gold to Go ATM machine

Cold Play, NYE 2011/12

Jaws at the Dubai Mall

Too tired to swim, so instead it stuck to the glass

Everything really is not that much to ask for...