Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bye-bye toothie

Tomorrow is almost here, and with it it brings a 95% chance that I might loose a tooth. Why you might say? Well, allow me to explain:

In 2001 I had a root canal done on one of my teeth. However, it kept hurting me and every time I'd bring it up, no one would believe me as I have no roots there. Fast forward a few years and in 2007 I had a toothache that was so bad, no amount of medicine would put an end to it. I went to a dentist and he said that all this pain is because the root canal wasn't done properly. So, I got a second root canal on the SAME tooth. Fast forward yet another few years, and here we are. My tooth STILL hurts and I have this feeling of constant pressure on it. Went to yet another dentist and turns out, the second dentist did not put the correct crown on thus resulting in a gap to form between the tooth and the gums. What this means is that food has been getting stuck in there all this time (thus the pressure) and the plaque built as a result has been eating away at my gums. The solution: open it up and remove the tooth, well, thats a 95% chance but it might as well be a 100%.

What kills me is that I went to 4 dentists before him and no one would even X-ray it. WTF!!!!

This just goes to show you how incompetent and idiotic the as**holes we call dentists here are. Screw them all and may they all rot in Hell.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm here, I'm here...

I know, it has been ages! I am truly sorry but I have been super busy. So much has been going on recently and I had to keep my concentration elsewhere for a while.

On a very happy note, Ranran and Alex got married last Friday! They had a beautiful wedding that was a perfect reflection of their characters and personalities. She looked radiant in her dress and he was dashing in his tux. The night was perfect, not too warm nor too cold, the view amazing and the people's love and happiness for them could be felt. It was truly a 100% joyous occasion.

On a more personal note, I started applying to grad schools. My first application was signed and sealed (umm... more like typed and sent via 0s and 1s). I'm almost done with 3 others, only waiting for my transcripts to get here. It has been 3 weeks, so hopefully they will be here soon.

Apart from that, I have been busy with the news. So much is happening. These are truly interesting times! Plus, this is the first time that something so big happens while I am in the Arab world, and I can view it from an Arabic tv channels' perspective. Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, Jordan... it is insanely exciting!! Of course, it is heartbreaking what all those people went through and still go through on a daily basis just to free themselves from this injustice. I am so proud of us Arabs, I just hope we don't go from bad to worse. So, I am spending it glued to my twitter, tv, radio, Internet... and this is super annoying because it consumes your time without you even realizing it.

These are my updates, I will try to be a better blogger, I promise. However, Clau and Beli... why are YOU not updating?!!!

Power to the people!