... If it weren't so depressing.
They have left like 7 hours ago and the house is already like a ghost-town. It has never been his quiet- EVER! Everyone is so sad and depressed, it is like a depression cloud rolled around and covered us all in its shadow. Even the maids are crying. Their nanny clutches one of the toys and cries her eyes into it. The other one does not know what to do so she makes popcorn. My mom is so depressed she got sick and my dad is trying to act alright with the situation.
Me? I am devastated. I hate saying goodbye. I love those kids to death and now I will only get to see them once or twice a year.
It is not a small world, it is cold, harsh and cruel. It is a world made up of very distant locations and fate has a weird sense of humour. It makes sure nothing goes according to plan.